Friday, April 22, 2011

Do-Little Days

The posts so far have mostly been about events or activities.  Many of my days are actually spent "doing" very little.  Those are the best of days!  

Almost every day, I'm awake before the sun is up. I love eating breakfast at the bay window while watching to see if sunrise will be in black and white or color. 

Yesterday was definitely black and white - the first foggy morning I've seen here where the mountain was peeking through the clouds.

But most mornings have been gloriously colorful!  I've taken dozens of sunrise photos.

There is no television or radio reception, very limited cell phone signal, and slow/low capacity internet access.  But there is a wonderful little nook beside the kitchen where I can use my laptop (on a self-imposed limited basis) and have a beautiful view at the same time.  One morning, I saw two young deer headed up the mountain from this window, and on another I saw what I think was a ground hog.  

One of the things I've enjoyed on the do-little days is taking time to prepare a wonderful vegan, gluten-free, organic meal for myself.  And then I eat the same thing for days because I made so much!

Spring Salad with Chickpeas and Dried Cherries

I enjoy walking around the "yard" and looking for unusual tiny bits of nature, or trying to capture a unique photo.  Sometimes I sit on the porch;  sometimes I sit on a rock.

On a high-traffic day, I might hear a pickup truck going up or down the road four times. It is the truth that I have seen ONLY pickup trucks on the gravel road in front of the house.  My only reason for looking is to see if the truck is red or blue.

It's blue.

I enjoy reading in the quiet. For the sake of "place" I am trying to get through Thomas Wolfe's first book, since he's the local literary celebrity.  It is a weirdly captivating read!

Then there's painting....what a treat!  I actually have four paintings going at once, but it is very different to be painting outside a "class" setting.  Feels like riding a bike without training wheels.

Naps.  Naps are delicious.  Now that the smell is gone, I'm back to napping on the sofa whenever I feel like it.

The house has beautiful old chestnut wood floors.

As the day ends, I'm usually back out on the porch, since it is not so dominated by bees and wasps by then.  I enjoy just listening to the evening calls of the birds and the babbling of the brook, while watching the light change from day back into night.  And then I climb in bed very grateful for the gift of another do-little day.

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