Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My "home" through the end of June is in a very hilly neighborhood close to downtown Black Mountain, NC. There are neighbors very close by, but all has been quiet so far.  And all has been rainy (and cold) so far.  Record-breaking rain totals and river flooding have welcomed me to the area.  But it's great weather for resting! I haven't been able to be outdoors in the area as much as I would like because of the weather, so the only photos I've taken have been in the yard.

This goddess figure is probably about 3 feet tall and is actually in the back yard of the neighboring house on the north side.  That house has gone up for sale since I arrived, and I kind of hope it stays empty; it's great having quiet over there.
Another little statuary figure, this one in a little side garden of "my" house.  The yard is kind of quirky; there is a pretty large front yard lined on the street side with very tall spruce trees of some sort, but the backyard is quite shallow and has a shed, tin roof covered wood storage area, large garage (locked), and also contains a screen porch the length of the house.
I believe this is called a "bleeding heart" plant; it is right outside the screen porch door. I think I'm at about 2400', so some things that were blooming in coastal Virginia are just getting started here.
I always love having blue jays around!  This guy seems to be going through a molt, at least I hope that's what's going on around his eyes.  He was sitting on the back yard neighbor's clothes line post.  I hear lots of birds singing when I wake up in the mornings, and that makes me very happy.


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