Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tomahawk Lake

Tomahawk Lake - the pride and joy of Black Mountain Parks & Recreation!  This pretty place is about 1/2 mile from my rental, and I COULD walk there, but the hills between here and there would be pretty challenging, and the roads are narrow with no sidewalks.  There is a 1/2 mile walking path around the lake, which is very pleasant and easy to do "laps".  It seems very popular with the locals, and there is a city pool adjacent which I assume will be opening in a couple of weeks. 
The view from the opposite side of the lake.  Picnic pavilion is in the center of the photo, and beyond that is a municipal golf course that is also quite pretty.
A Hooded Merganser sitting on one of the nest boxes that surround the little island in the middle of the lake.
Lots of Canada Geese and their new chicks roaming around.  So fluffy!
A beautiful B & B that overlooks the lake and park.  For those who like B & B's, this would probably be a great place to stay for a visit to Black Mountain.
I think this is a Northern Shoveler.  He was very adapted to human presence and enjoying "shoveling" for food along the water's edge while I sat on a nearby bench in the beautiful sunshine.
This range of mountain peaks is referred to as the Seven Sisters in Black Mountain.  This was the first place I was able to get a clear concept of which mountain peaks were referenced; seems to me the mountains are everywhere! The building in the center of the photo is the Senior Center, with a picnic pavilion to the left, and private residences to the right.

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